Gualberto Buela-Casal, Fundador del FECIES
Loreto del Rio, FECIES
Alejandro Guillén Riquelme, Universidad de Granada
María Guillot Valdés, Universidad de Granada
Mark Stastny, FECIES
Elena Cojocaru, AEPC
Mª Paz Bermúdez, Universidad de Granada
Amador Cernuda Lago, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
José Antonio Asensio, Universidad de Barcelona
Until September 6, 2022
Oral presentations: minimum 4 and maximum 6.
Duration: between 35 and 90 minutes (depending on the number of presentations).
For each paper there must be a different person registered and this person can only appear once as the main author of a paper in the invited symposium.
the coordinator of the invited symposium and all the main authors of the papers must register before uploading the proposal on the platform. The non-acceptance of the invited symposium proposal implies the return of 100% of the registration fee.
The invited symposium coordinator will be issued a certificate of participation in the scientific committee as long as they fulfill their role as coordinator, checking that the rules are met from the proposal to the final presentation.
The proposal must be sent directly through the MI FECIES platform
MY FECIES FORM CONTENT: Symposium title (maximum 15 words); Name; Membership; Mini curriculum vitae of the coordinator (150-200 words); Photo of the coordinator passport size, high quality JPG ; Brief summary of the symposium (250-300 words); For each of the works that will make up the symposium: Title, authors, co-authors (and affiliation), abstract (250-300 words, divided into Introduction, Objectives, Method adapted to the type of study, Results and Discussion/Conclusion ).
Once the proposal is accepted, you will receive the appropriate instructions to record the entire symposium on video and send it.
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